are cheetos halal or haram

Are Cheetos Halal or Haram

Cheetos are cheesy, crunchy puff and snacks from the house of Frito-lay that are loved by all age group. Cheetos come in various flavours from simple to spicy to attract a wide spectrum of customers. But the question can come in mind of Islamic follower – Are Cheetos Halal or Haram. The answer is not very straight forward as there are many if’s and but’s before this can be answered properly. Let us understand when and what makes Cheetos halal or haram .

What Ingredients Can Makes Cheetos Halal or Haram

For Muslims, the answer to if Cheetos are permitted i.e. halal or forbidden i.e. haram under Islamic dietary laws is very important one. Let us take a closer look at the ingredients used to make these cheesy Cheetos. We will take ingredients that might have probability of being haram.

Corn meal: Cheetos are typically made from corn meal. Corn meal is considered halal at first place being made from corn, a vegetable. However it’s required to probe how the corn has been processed to make corn meal. Also if cornmeal is contaminated with haram elements then this basic ingredient can make whole lot of Cheetos as haram. Else wise this content keeps the Cheetos Halal.

Vegetable Oil: The vegetable oil that is used to make Cheetos can be derived from various plants viz. soybean, sunflower or canola. These being vegetable oils are halal at first place. However there may be chances of cross contamination while extracting these oils. The factory should be exclusively dealing into plant based oil manufacturing else vegetable oil being polluted with haram sources can not be neglected.

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Flavorings and Additives: This is an area of concern. To make Cheetos interesting to eat lot more of spices, colouring agent, flavours are added to enhance the overall taste. Some flavorings and additives may include haram ingredients. There is a huge possibility of haram content like alcohol percentage or pork derived substances. If this is case it’s difficult to say Cheetos are halal. However not all Cheetos flavours use such haram flavours and seasonings.

Cheese: What is there in Cheetos without that infused melted cheese. This cheese has a high probability of being haram and making the product Cheetos as a whole haram. It’s is important to verify the source of cheese used to make Cheetos that cheesy.

The cheese if sources from animal  could make Cheetos as haram. Muslims must validate the source of cheese before consuming Cheetos. There is high chances that cheese used in Cheetos are from animal enzymes like Rennet and so would be haram to eat my Muslims. Rennet is animal based enzymes and its presence in Cheetos is haram.

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But rennet can also be plant based if derived from fungi. In that case such cheese will be vegetarian. So there is much if and but in this cheesy point and so Muslims should refrain from rennet based Cheetos.

MSG(MonoSodium Glutamate): We need to look for MSG(MonoSodium Glutamate) source used in the making of Cheetos. They can also be derived from animals and so the origin of MSG matters a lot. If derived from animal source it will make Cheetos haram. This will be a doubtful thing and so every Islam follower must be pro-active of this and try to avoid Cheetos in case of doubt.

Do Cheetos Have Pork Content

The answer to this question can be not so welcoming for muslims. Cheetos directly does not contain pork or pig extract as ingredients but there are chances that the flavouring material used in the making may be derived from pork or pig.

Also as Cheetos are from parent company Frito-Lays that manufacture other snacks as well where pork based flavouring agents are used as well. With this in mind, the question of pork in Cheetos can not be struck off outrightly.

There is huge chances of cross-contamination of Cheetos. It’s wise to see at least the ingredient list of the Cheetos to understand the presence or probability of pork in it.

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What Guarantees Cheetos As Halal

As we seen that the basic ingredients used to make Cheetos has high probability of coming from haram sources putting Cheetos under the question – Are Cheetos Halal or Haram. For that Cheetos has procured Halal certificate in some of the regions around the globe.

Only the Halal certificate and this the Halal Label on the Cheetos Packaging is a guarantee that this Cheetos packet is halal to else. If there is no halal label, the best is to use your sense and know how is something halal or haram as per Islam. Under the absence of halal label, do check the ingredient list on Cheetos packet back side to self-evaluate the halal state of Cheetos before eating.

Halal Certificate is procured country wise and so if Cheetos are halal in one country, the same flavour may not be halal in another country. So make sure the market you have purchased your packet of Cheetos has halal label.

Are Cheetos Halal Certified

Not in all the countries Cheetos are Halal certified. In most of the Islamic countries, the manufacturing plant of Cheetos have to adhere to strict halal guidelines however it’s not the case elsewhere. For example Cheetos are not Halal certified in Canada, US, UK while Cheetos are Halal Certified in UAE, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. It’s better to look for Halal label on the Cheetos packet to be sure. 

FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)

Are Cheetos Halal certified in the US and Canada

Unfortunately Cheetos are not Halal Certified in the United State of America. However they use all the ingredients derived from plant based things. Even then some flavours of Cheetos do use animal based enzymes and so Muslims in US must see the ingredient for this. For example, Cheetos Puff are Halal in USA while Cheetos Faming Hot Cheetos Baked flavours Are Haram.

Are Cheetos Puff Halal or Haram

The answer depends upon the cheese, whey protein and MSG used in the manufacturing. There are chances that these ingredients involves sub-ingredients that comes from haram animals. Haram animals are animals like pig/pork, dead animals without slaughtering as per halal religious protocols of Islam. Make sure that these ingredients are all halal and so the Cheetos Puff Halal or Haram.

Are Cheetos Halal in UK

In UK, Cheetos are Halal but they do not possess any Halal Certificate. Also not all Cheetos are halal as some Cheetos use pork derived enzymes. But it depends upon which flavour of Cheetos you want to eat. While majority of Cheetos are halal in nature as ingredients are plant based , there may be some flavours that may contain animal based enzymes that always raises the eye brow of Muslims.

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Are Flamin Hot Cheetos Halal

In our research we found some user asked the Cheetos authority about the halal status of Cheetos and that user got the answer that Flamin Hot Cheetos use animal enzyme. Now if this flavour uses animal enzyme be it from Pork or from any other animal. There is no affirmation on  how that animal was slaughtered. If the animal is slaughtered in religious way as described in Halal guidelines that such Flamin Hot Cheetos can be considered as halal provided the animal itself is not haram like pig or bacon.

Are Cheetos Halal in Saudi Arabia, Middle East and United Arab Emirates

Cheetos in Muslim dominant countries are halal certified from local authorities. The production units in most Muslim dominant countries uses the quick halal guidelines are the business is to cater maximum Muslims living there.

Are Hot Cheetos Halal

Yes provided they use only enzymes derived from halal animals or rennet from plant based(fungi). Be sure on that as at some countries the same flavour may not be halal while at other it is.


Are Cheetos Halal or Haram? Well it depends upon various factors. In places where Cheetos are Halal certified, Muslims just need to relax and eat Cheetos without any tension. However in countries where Cheetos are not Halal certified, Muslims would be anxious not to see the halal label on the packet.

The absence of halal label on the Cheetos should not treated as Cheetos being haram. In some countries, though Cheetos don’t have Halal certificates but they do make flavours that are vegetarian and can be considered halal.

However, better will be to check for ingredients mentioned on the packet to make an idea if this Cheetos is Halal or Haram. In case of doubt, it’s better for Islamic followers to abandon it instead of doing something haram.

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