hersheys kisses halal or haram

Are Hersheys Kisses Halal or Haram

Undoubtedly Hersheys chocolate products are loved across the globe for their incredible taste, texture and that smooth blend. But have you ever wonder Are Hersheys Kisses Halal or Haram?

Now if you are Islamic follower, you should always follow halal lifestyle. If we delve into Hersheys being halal or haram, we have different and different answers. Hersheys are halal at some place while at other they are haram to eat my muslims. Some products and chocolates from the house of Hersheys are truly Halal and Muslims can easily relish them without being fearful of committing haram.

Why Hersheys Chocolates Are Under Scrutiny

Being Muslim, it’s very important for you to eat halal certified things only. Hersheys are under scrutiny for their halal or haram status as they may contain what is haram as per Islam. Let’s find out what are the ingredients used into the Hersheys manufacturing and are they halal or not.

Milk : The milk and whey used in the manufacturing of halal chocolates may have come non-halal animals. If the milk came from animal not raised with halal lifestyle, such milk is also haram and so makes the Hersheys chocolates haram to eat by muslims. Milk at first place is not haram but it’s also important to nullify that milk comes from halal animals only.

Flavours Used : Some of Hersheys chocolates may contain flavour and colours that are not halal. It’s always wise to check for ingredient list of Hershey’s product and chocolates you are eating beforehand. This said, not all Hersheys are haram to eat as there are chocolates which are completely halal and safe.

Vanilla : Vanillin is an essential compound found in vanilla. This compound can contain alcohol which is considered haram as per halal guidelines. But this component can be alcohol free as well making Hersheys Chocolates good to eat for Muslims. Now Hersheys is not using vanillin containing alcohol so Hersheys are Halal from the point of vanilla being used.

Pork Probability : The animal product like something derived from pig like enzymes if used in Hersheys chocolate manufacturing would make it Haram.

Hersheys chocolates and Hersheys Kisses don’t contain pig or pork derived things making Hersheys halal to eat.

Use of Gelatin : Hersheys does not use gelatin to make it haram to eat. So from gelatine point of view, Hersheys are halal and not haram.

So we saw that there is huge probability that can make Hersheys Haram to eat and so it’s important to check for the halal certification on the Hersheys chocolates and kisses.

Also Read : Are Doritos Halal or Haram 

Are Hersheys Halal Certified

Hersheys chocolates and Hersheys Kisses are Halal certified in some of the countries while not everywhere. For instance, If you are in US you can relish Hersheys Kisses tension free as they have attained two Halal certifications . One from Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA) and other from Halal Transaction of Omaha (HTO).

If you are in Malaysia , you are also fortunate as Hersheys Kisses are Halal Certified there as well. In Malaysia, Hershey’s Kisses are certified by the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM). In China as well Hershey’s chocolates and Hersheys Kisses are Halal Certified

Each region has their set of rules as per the organisation belief in providing Halal Certificate. Some Halal certificates are very strict and some may be relaxed. So its good to do personal research when so ever you have even a single doubt on Are Hersheys Halal or Haram.

There may be locations around the globe where Hersheys has not taken any Halal certificate so its always better to understand what is halal and what is haram and see the ingredient list on the Hersheys to better make out of Hersheys Halal or Haram.

Also Read : Is Ferrero Rocher Halal or Haram 

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Are Hersheys Kisses Halal or Haram

If you are purchased it from US, Canada or Malaysia, the are Halal. Elsewhere there is very less probability of Hersheys kisses being haram but it would be good to check the ingredient list before munching them.

Are Hersheys Chocolates Vegan

Milk powder being derived from milk would make Hersheys chocolates and kisses non-vegan. Almost all Hersheys contains milk powder and butter making them not suitable for people following vegan diet.

Are Hersheys Kisses Have Pork or Pig Extract

No, Hersheys ingredients list does not indicate any pork or pig ingredient or extract.

Are Hersheys Kisses Kosher Certified

Yes they are Kosher Certified. Hersheys does not use alcohol or animal extracts as they are Kosher certified.


Are Hersheys Kisses Halal or Haram ? Hersheys have Halal Certification is some countries while in other countries they do not have halal certifications. However, if we see the ingredient list of Hersheys chocolates and kisses there is slim chances of this being haram at places where Hersheys has not procured any Halal Certification. In the end we can conclude that Hersheys chocolates and Hersheys Are Halal. But it will be good to clear your doubt and for that do check the ingredient list to be more sure on this.

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