jackson's sweet potato chips

Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips Halal or Haram

Jackson’s facility is famous for manufacturing crunchy sweet potato chips that is undoubtedly healthy and fun to eat. But being an Islam follower its equally important to rule out if its haram or not. Muslims should never do something which is haram and abide by Halal Lifestyle. In this article let us explore if Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips Halal or Haram.

Ingredients of Jackson’s sweet potato chips

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are truly vegetarian but that does not pass Jackson’s sweet potato chips as Halal. It is also to understand whether they are genetically modified or not. That is are the potatoes used GMO or non-GMO. GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism( broad category include plants, animals or any living thing whose DNA has been modified genetically).

Let us come to Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips Halal or Haram. Now the sweet potatoes Jackson’s facility use to make Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips are Non-GMO. That is unto now the first ingredient that is potato is Halal. Halal protocols tags anything as Haram if it’s genetically modified. This is not in case of Jackson’s sweet potato chips.

Also Read: Is Dropshipping Halal or Haram

Oil Used

Are they using such oil that is from haram animals’ fat ? NO. They are using coconut oil or in some cases avocado oil. They want their chips to be healthier so they are also avoiding cheap canola oil, vegetable oil or poly-unsaturated fats (PUFAs). This not only makes the chips healthier but ultra crispy and tasty. Though there can be probability of coconut oil or in some cases avocado oil being haram if the process of extracting the oil from them does not follow Halal practice, company does not provide any information on the oil being Halal certified.

Flavours Used

Most of the Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips uses marginal spices like sugar, sea-salt, garlic powder, onion powder etc. They are considered Halal. But they have a variant of chips that is Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips Carolina BBQ which contains Torula yeast. This Torula yeast has sparked Muslims sentiments when came into light to be manufactured from alcohol and waste paper. Alcohol is Haram in Islam. However these days Torula yeast is mainly synthetic and not produced from alcohol and paper waste. But it will be better if company can provide more insight about the Torula yeast they procure from.

These were the three main ingredients that Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips is made up of. It’s good if company can provide more insights about the ingredient or simply go for Halal Certificate from authorised Halal Certification NGO.

Also Read: Are Lays Chips Halal or Haram

Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips Contains Pork or Pig

Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips Halal or Haram is also decided if we can find out if any flavours of Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips contains Pork/Pig or its extract or not. As we seen the ingredients used in Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips, there is no indication of Pork being used in Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips making the chips to be Halal on this point. But as earlier said, in favour of Muslims around USA, the company should procure HALAL certificate and be more elaborative about the ingredients used in the making process.

Halal Certificate of Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips

Our research says that Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips are not Halal certified but they do are Kosher certified. It’s a moral duty of every Muslim to abide by Halal practice and to eat only Halal certified things. For more clarity, be in touch with the manufacturer. However as per our research Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips are not HALAL Certified.

Also Read: What is Halal and Haram

Can Muslim Pregnant Women Eat Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips

All muslim women who are pregnant should not eat Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips. During pregnancy avoid eating any chips. To get the crisp in chips they are fried till they are brown.This process releases Acrylamide which is a carcinogen. This can give birth defects and other development disorders to baby in womb. It’s the duty of Muslim Women to preserve the baby in womb from any genetic disorder as it will be great sin. Not just muslim women but this to be followed by all women during pregnancy.


Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips Halal or Haram can not be concluded as the company did not procure Halal certificate. However they do have Kosher certificate and if we look the ingredients they are Halal in first place. There can be many questions but Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips looks clean to be eaten by Islam followers. To be sure do check with the manufacturer for more clarity.


Is Tarula Yeast Halal that is being used in Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips ?

Earlier small manufacturer of tabula yeast used to make it from alcohol and waste paper but not practice has been changed to make it synthetically and from clean natural resources. But it will be better if company can be vocal on their procurement of tabula yeast.

Are Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips Halal or Haram?

Company has not procured the Halal certificate but are certified Kosher.

Are Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips Gluten Free?

Yes they are.

Is it OK for pregnant women to eat Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips

NO. During pregnancy avoid eating any chips and so you can not eat Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips as well while being pregnant. Read above for more detail.

Do Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips use organic potatoes.

No but they use heirloom and  Non-GMO potatoes that are directly sourced from farmers.

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