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Are you curious to know “Are Lays chips halal or haram” ? Well this question can come in your mind if until now you were thinking Lays chips to be halal or you were least bothered about it till now. Being a true follower of Islam, it’s equally important to have a halal life practices. Lays chips being produced by Frito-Lay company that comes under Pepsico brand. Let us find out if Lays chips are halal or haram in USA and UK.

Common ingredients found in Lays chips

1. Potatoes : Potatoes are halal in first place. Only things that can make them haram if they are not washed properly before put into production. But that Lays take care of. So till now Lays chips are halal.

2. Vegetable Oil : Oils used in the production of Lays chips are primarily sunflower oil, canola oil and corn oil. They are vegetarian and nothing lies here to make them haram.

3. Seasonings : There are various seasonings to get the taste in Lays chips. Different flavouring agents are also used for different variants of the lays chips. It’s important to note that all the flavours, seasonings and spices used in Lays have to have Halal Certificates to make Lays Halal. Here is the catch as Lays chips use a flavour builder chemical that is E 631. Now this can be fetched from vegetable source as well as animal source.

This has different views as this is under dispute where from E 631 comes for the production of Lays chips. Some people debates it to come from pig. This point, thought under dispute, make Lays chips haram to be eaten by muslims.

Also Read : How Is Something Halal or Haram 

Lays chips contain pork/pig or not

If we go by company’s statement they say Lays chips are made up of all halal ingredients. However company also states that few of the variants do use flavours derived from pork or pig. Few Lays chips that Muslims should not eat as they contain pork flavours are : Lay’s Potato Chips Roasted Pork Belly Flavour , Finger Licking Braised Pork Flavor , Lay’s Grilled Pork Flavour etc. Always check the packaging before consuming.

In other variant, the E 631 is plant based and not animal based. You need to cross-verify this as it depends upon region and country as well. So it’s highly recommended to check the ingredient list printed on the Lays chips packaging.

Also Read: Is Dropshipping Halal or Haram

Do Lays chips have Halal Certificate

For any brand to produce Halal certified products they need to procure Halal Certificate from Authorised Islamic Non-Government Organisation.  These NGOs make sure that the process of production is as per Halal Dietary Rules.  As per company’s parent website that Frito-lay snacks are not Halal Certified but they have Kosher listed products that do not have animal enzymes or flavour. So final conclusion would be to check the ingredients, their source, procurement and production process and the ingredient lists as per your country. They are not halal certified in UK and US but look for Halal Certified label on the packaging before consuming.

Also Read: Are Jackson’s Sweet Potato Chips Halal or Haram


The final take is to be proactive on checking the ingredients, halal certified label as it may vary from country to country as well. In case you are not sure, its always better to ask the manufacturer to be sure as it’s very important to follow Halal lifestyle for a follower of Islam to be in consistency with Islam Dietary Laws.

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