halal or haram new

This article is about understanding what is halal or haram as per Islam (What is halal). Is Haram and Halal only restricted to edible things or also takes into account other than that. So this is a comprehensive article on halal and haram things (halal meaning).

Word meaning of halal

Let us first understand the meaning of this word “halal”. Halal is an Arabic word and its written like this “حلال” in Arabic script (what does halal mean). The word means of halal in english is “permitted and lawful”. So things that Islam gives permission to do is halal. And What is not halal becomes haram. So haram is something that is “prohibited and unlawful” as per Islam.  This is in simple terms like White and Black Or Light and Darkness. But this is just a word meaning of halal and there is more to it.

Is halal or haram related to food 

Though its a very common notion that food items are considered as halal or haram but its just a small picture(what is halal food). Halal is not merely restricted to food but its a lifestyle that is permissible as per Islam for who practice the religion. Everything other that is out of halal purview automatically and broadly becomes haram. So food and other edible can be halal or haram but there is bigger picture as well under the purview. But until now we have not answered how is something considered as halal or haram. Let us do it.

Worth Reading : Is Dating Haram or Halal

How is something halal or haram

This is a long answer. To cut it short and make it simple to understand, there is mnemonic called “ABCD IS Haram”. Now what is not haram will become halal automatically.

Let us expand “ABCD is Haram”.

A : Alcohol 

Anything that has alcohol in it is considered haram in Islam. Any food and beverages item you want to eat or drink, you should check its ingredients. Any trace, any percentage of alcohol in any food item is considered haram and so NOT HALAL. Now one might think that when halal and haram are not restricted to only food items why we gave this example. So in a broader sense anything that promotes alcohol is haram as per Islam. It could be a painting, it could be working for a liquor company or any benefit you think or deriving from anything involving alcohol would be haram.

Also Read : Are lays chips haram to eat

B : Blood

We will talk more in relation to food items and its easier to understand however you can always generalise the usage and use cases as we quoted in above point. About blood Islam says anything you are eating should not contain blood. It is haram as per Islam to eat or drink such things.

And from this point mainly the “Halal Meat” comes into picture. For this reason there is special process to get the animal meat. The slaughter practice is to make sure there is no blood left in the animal else it will be called haram. This special way of getting the meat is called halal meat. There is more to it so we will take it in different header.

C : Carnivorous

Animals who live on other animal flesh only are called carnivorous. That means they do no eat herbs or shrubs but feed on animals flesh only. In Islam carnivorous animals with fangs, sharp canine teeth, like tiger, lion, cat, dog, wolves are considered haram to be eaten. This should not be misunderstood that all carnivorous animals are haram. For example, most sea animals eat other small sea animals, like fish eat smaller fish and insects underwater, and they all are considered halal though being carnivorous.

Likewise some animals and bird with claws are also considered haram. For example, eagles, falcon and vultures etc.

D : Dead

Any halal animal that is found dead is considered haram to eat. Meaning is that if you see a goat had an accident with vehicle and is dead, as per Islam its haram to eat such animal. Only animals slaughtered as per halal protocols will be considered permitted to eat else will be haram.

I : Food Immolated to Idols 

Food/animal that has been sacrificed or offered in the name of Idols that is deities worshipped as Idols. Such food items be it animal or birds that are coming from other than the name of Allah is considered haram to eat.

S : Swine that is pig

Eating pork or pig meat or anything that contains swine/pig is considered as haram. Pig is considered to be unhygienic as so is haram. Other than this animals, reptiles that pose threat to life in any form are also considered haram like snake, rodents, frogs, scorpions etc.

So that was mnemonic “ABCD IS Haram“.

What is halal meat

Animals that are not haram when slaughtered as per Islam Halal laws can be called “halal meat” (halal meat). Slaughtering as per halal rules is a process wherein non-haram animals are slaughtered

  • by selecting a non-haram animal which should be healthy and not be stunned and awakened.
  • by positioning the animal to see to the direction which is used to see while reading islamic prayer like namaz.
  • by reciting the islamic prayer like “Bismillah” and taking the Allah’s name by the butcher who should me Muslim.
  • by making an incision on the throat, wind pipe and jugular veins keeping the spinal cord intact.
  • by making it sure that animal is slaughter slowly with such incision so that all the blood oozes out, as blood is considered haram to eat in Islam.

So when all these rules and regulations are met during killing of animal, such meat is called “halal meat”. Seafoods like fishes are always halal though.

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Halal lifestyle

As said halal is not just restricted to eating and fooding, its a life practice. You need to check the “ABCD IS Haram” to know if something is haram or halal and then take your actions. For example it would be haram to invest on stocks of a company whose main business is haram as per Islam. There is more like halal pharma companies that produces halal medicines as per halal certification procured from NGOs. Try to see bigger picture when you follow Islam and are cautious about haram and halal things.


So that was all in this article. If you liked it, kindly share it for a better reach. Thanks for reading on “HalalQnA.com”.


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