affiliate marketing halal or haram

There is a big question mark on Is Affiliate Marketing Halal or Haram. When people believe on you and you break their trust it is of greatest sin and obviously haram. What happens in affiliate marketing has a great room for committing haram as per Islamic Teachings. That does not mean that all kind of Affiliate marketing is haram, some sensible affiliate marketing done keeping in mind the Islamic protocols and rules are Halal as well. In this article we will delve deep into Halal Guidelines to come to conclusion for the question “Is Affiliate Marketing Halal or Haram”. Let us start exploring this make money online method.

What is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is referring a product or services of producer/owner to someone/end user. When end user use your referral to buy a product/services from the producer/owner/manufacturer, you as an Affiliate Marketer gets commission. In this process you generally do not own any product/services but you just make people aware about them using websites/blogs/YouTube videos/Facebook/Instagram etc.

Anyone who require that product and services can land on your social space to know more about product/service and can purchase using your link so as to fetch you commission. Now what is going wrong here? As it looks clean business and someone doing affiliate marketing is doing lot of hard work to bring traffic to his/her space to influence people to buy something. Here the word “influence” looks fishy. This word can give birth to what is haram as per Islamic teachings. Now this is high time to explore deeper into Is Affiliate Marketing Halal or Haram.

Also Read : Is Dropshipping Halal or Haram

Probability That Affiliate Marketing is Haram

In first place, Affiliate marketing is clean business and surely Halal. But there are few iff’s and but’s that needs to be taken into account before coming to any conclusion. There are several use cases that would make Affiliate Marketing Haram. Let us understand them now.

Upfront Declaration Not Done

As per Islamic Rules you can only sell-off things you own or master of. If you do not own a thing you have no right to sell it. Same happens in Affiliate marketing, you do not own a product/services but you sell it. This is haram as per Islam. You can not sell what you do not own. This is a great sin to do this. Now there is way out to let this sin nullify. Is Affiliate Marketing Halal or Haram is also determined if you do this mistake.

As an affiliate marketer, if you declare upfront that you are doing affiliate marketing and not the first hand owner of services/products, this works to protect you from this sin. So when ever you do affiliate marketing of a product/service always put a caption/disclaimer that speaks in bold that you are doing affiliate marketing and would get your commission when sale is made.

Read : Is Cryptocurrency Halal or Haram As Per Islam

Selling Haram Things

Is Affiliate Marketing Halal or Haram becomes quite clear from the products and services you are dealing with. Before you do affiliate marketing of any product/service, make sure that it’s not haram thing. That means it should not be produced using unapproved guidelines. Everything you doing affiliate marketing of, should be under halal guidelines purview.

To know what is halal or haram, do check this for easy understanding of how something is halal or haram as per Islam. If you doing anything that is haram as per Islamic teachings then it will be sin and you will have to repent at the day of decision.

Promoting Haram Group/Owner

Suppose you take care of above two headings that is  “Upfront Declaration Not Done” and  “Selling Haram Things”, still there is a big chance of doing haram if you miss out on this heading. Is Affiliate Marketing Halal or Haram governing factor could be that you knowingly or unknowingly promoting an owner or group that may be producing halal things but they themselves are of haram mindset.

That is they in their personal life doing something that comes under haram purview. They may be spreading hate about Islam or Muslims else wise, then in that case also promoting their product and services via affiliate marketing would be treated as Haram. Being a responsible and awakened Muslim you need to be very sure on all the aspect what could make Affiliate Marketing Halal or Haram for you.


Is content writing halal or haram

If your content favours Islam teachings and what you write comes under halal guidelines then you may write any such content. Also if you are content writer to someone then you have to be sure about the person you are doing job. That person should not be known to spread bad things and misconception about Islam and Muslims. If you write for any such person or organisation, content writing will be haram for you.

Is Dropshipping halal or haram

Dropshipping like affiliate marketing is quite similar. All the above things that can make affiliate marketing a haram thing can also make dropshipping a haram business. Read the above article carefully to know what makes affiliate marketing and so dropshipping a haram business.

What is difference between Affiliate marketing and Dropshipping

In simple words, in affiliate marketing you do not have control over price of product or services you want to sell. That means you can not set the price of a product or services as the price is in the hands of owner or producer of that product or service. You only get commision in case of Affiliate marketing and that commission is also fixed to some percentage. However in Dropshipping you know the actual pricing but can alter it to as much higher price to make more profits. Payments and transaction are on your side in dropshipping.

Is Shopify Dropshipping and Affiliate Marketing Halal or Haram

It depends upon the product you are marketing from the platform. If the products are halal certified then such marketing is not haram.

Is Amazon Affiliate Marketing Halal or Haram

Only you need to be sure about the product you are dealing with. That product should be produced as per halal guidelines and good to have halal certificate. Only those products you should promote that does not come under haram purview else it will be great sin as per Islam.

Is Digital Marketing Halal or Haram

Digital Marketing is halal at first place but you need to be sure that what you are marketing should not be haram product or service. Know how is something haram or halal before doing its digital marketing. While promoting a product or service, you should not spread misconception or should build wrong trust. You should not use any fake images that does not depict that same product. You should not tell your audience anything fancy that is not listed or documented about the product or service. You should not lure your audience just to make profits. Be real and proactive.

Is Netflix Stock Halal

Netflix serves digital content over the top (OTT). The digital content is shared for Interest. There is more content which comes in haram category as per Islamic law on Netflix as permitted by Sharia law. The business of Netflix and thus Stocks are more on the side of Haram than halal.

Read More : Is Netflix Stock Halal


Is Affiliate Marketing Halal or Haram though in simple terms can be said halal if you take care of all the aspects that can give chances of making this business haram. We have listed few points above that you need to be proactive of. In case of any confusion, you should do your personal research and development, ask the company whose products you are promoting, to be sure that you are not doing any haram activity.

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