dating and relationship halal or haram

Is Dating or Relationship Haram or Halal in Islam

Dating or having romantic relationship with someone before marriage has become a common thing in modern times. With most schools work in co-education mode, even dating and relationship starts at early age of life. Not just schools or colleges but this is equally common at work places. But what is harm in it ? Being a Muslim, where cultural values are based on Islamic laws and teachings, you must understand if Dating or Relationship Haram or Halal in Islam. In modern times where people have less time to understand the core value of Islam and its teaching, let us try to understand this complex topic in simpler words.

Also Read : What is Haram and Halal as per Islam

Understanding Dating and Relationship

Both relationship and dating are similar thing but in relationship there is more of commitment needed. Dating is like meeting someone once , twice and so on until it is converted into relationship. Sometimes dating between two individual does not work and it’s never converted to a relationship. Once you are into relationship with someone, it demands more commitment, more understanding and more sacrifices.

When is Dating or Relationship Haram or Halal in Islam

But when you are doing this, that is dating or keeping relation, you engage yourself with someone of either same sex or opposite sex. Also it can be like you are married but still dating some other individual likewise having relationship with other person than your spouse. Such things can happen before marriage as well.

Relationship or Dating with Same gender

This type of relationship or dating is upfront haram as per Islamic law. This is said to bring diseases as well when such relationships are intimate between males. So Islam consider such romantic relationships as haram.

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Relationship or Dating Before Marriage

Any pre-marital dating and relationship is considered Haram if it’s not done as per Islamic way of doing. Of course dating and relationship in pious way can be halal. It’s important you understand if someone is a good fit for you or not . For that dating that is formal meeting and formal relationship is required to understand the compatibility of two individual for marriage alliance. But there are if and buts here as well like both the individual should be Islamic followers and not from the same gender. Also there are lot of protocols like such meeting can not take place in secret areas, female to be accompanied with male relative(mahram) etc. Also there has to be dress code as per Islamic protocols.

Relationship or Dating After Marriage

There is no doubt that any Relationship or Dating After Marriage is considered haram . For whatever reason, this can not be halal until there is dissolution of marriage. But if you are in Islamic institution of marriage, then dating and relationships are haram for you.

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Making Haram Relationships Halal

Only possibility is both the individual are opposite gender, muslims and single/divorced. If such persons were in haram relationship in past and committed what is termed halal like intimacy then they must confess to Allah about their wrong doing before getting married. Also it’s needed to be sure that woman is not pregnant. For that such marriages can be organised only after woman’s menstruation. In any case, confession and repenting to Allah is foremost key to make their relationship Halal From Haram. Allah being most merciful would forgive you.


Where is it written in Quran that Dating is haram

Dating being new thing as generations are evolving. There is no statement regarding dating in Quran however there is haram and Halal guidelines. Things that go on a dating between two are clearly haram and so is dating.

Is virtual dating using Apps or Sites Haram or halal

As per Islamic guidelines meetings between opposite sex can not be help in secret place. Female must be accompanied with male relative. Obviously this does not happen while using Apps or Dating sites. So using such an App or website is haram.

Can I make it for Haram Relationship

Allah being most merciful forgive if you repent with true heart. You need to repent for your wrong doings and Allah will surely forgive you.

Is dating allowed with non-muslim

Forget non-muslim, it’s not even allowed amongst muslims if Islamic rules and laws are not followed.


Is Dating or Relationship Haram or Halal in Islam, now let us answer this concisely. It is duty of Islamic follower to abide by roots of halal lifestyle and Islamic teachings. There is less point in confessing later for your wrong doings as this will waste your valuable time of life. Better not to involve yourself in dating and romantic relationships. It’s haram to do so.

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