is digital marketing halal or haram

Making money is good but making money from invalid or haram means can surely put you in trouble at the most important day of your life. When Muslims make money online or offline using Digital Marketing, they must understand Is Digital Marketing Halal or Haram before jumping into band wagon.

Today people are not only dependant on 9 to 5 workfromoffice job. These days many other means of making money online and offline are there as an alternative source of income. One of the prominent source of income which has now gained popularity worldwide is Digital Marketing.

What is wrong with earning via Digital Marketing

What is the halal way of doing Digital Marketing and

What mistake normally Islam followers do that is prohibited or haram as per Islamic Teachings when doing Digital Marketing

Is Digital Marketing Halal or Haram

These questions should come in your mind if you are a true muslim and committed to live a halal life.

What is Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is selling/marketing of a product/service, that is yours or of someone else, using means like websites, mobile applications, social media, search engines, television, radio, sms, emails, billboards etc. This is more of online digital marketing medium whereas offline digital marketing medium can be like LED boards and static billboards.

You as a Digital Marketer inform and make people aware of the product/service by using these means so that people can buy it or can show interest. For every sale or lead generated this way will fetch you commission and that is how you make money online or offline.

What makes Digital Marketing different from traditional marketing is that you have control to edit, update, stop, delete previous information in real time and as quick as possible. This is possible as often digital marketing is done using internet and people see this information on their digital devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets, billboard etc.

Radios and television are also means of digital marketing but they are not that flexible and fast to transmit  updated information to customers due to some constraints.

So that was the basic idea of digital marketing and question still remains where it was –  Is Digital Marketing Halal or Haram. Why at times digital marketing is haram and how to make sure that digital marketing is halal always. Let us find out.

There can be many cases in which Digital Marketing is Halal or Haram. We will now pick them one by one below.

Dealing With Haram Products/Services

Your money that you earn doing digital marketing of any product/service is called haram if you dealt with haram product or service. Suppose you do digital marketing of promoting a Weight Loss Product and that has alcohol, pork extract or any haram things as ingredients, then its Haram.

Any thing you are marketing should be halal only then your digital marketing will be called halal else haram. Know your product/service first.

An example of halal service could be you doing digital marketing of parlour service without knowing the products used in the service contain haram things.

So be proactive, research the product/service well before marketing it digitally. You should do digital marketing of products and services that are halal and put no threat to society, environment and mankind currently as well in future.

Read: What is Halal and Haram 

Not Being Transparent About Product or Service

Digital Marketing is Halal or Haram also depends on how correctly you showcase your product or service to the potential buyers. The addition of wrong benefits from your side just for the sake for attracting customers and making a sale is haram and so will be digital marketing. Making money with incorrect detail or benefits about the product or service will be haram.

Same way if while digital marketing of something, you hide a detail about the product or service which you know is not good for customer like any wrong side effects, haram content in the product, then this will be cheating and you will bear the sin of doing haram.

So whenever your intent of making money online or offline using digital marketing is not for the benefit of mankind but lies only your personal financial advancement, this makes your effort as haram and so such digital marketing is haram for you.

Read : Is Cryptocurrency Halal or Haram As Per Islam

Digital Marketing of Others Product or Services

How you can sell something that you do not own? This is haram to do in Islam. As per Islamic rules, you can sell that you own or you have bought. In digital marketing you mostly do marketing of products and services that you neither produce or own. It is also possible that you never seen the product or service yourself but you do its digital marketing. Is this not a cheating ? Yes this is and this will make your digital marketing halal.

Should you stop doing digital marketing as its haram at this very point or there is something you can make for it ? Surely digital marketing is haram if you doing. However, if you make people aware about who exactly you are precisely when people are dealing to buy the product or services then this is OK.

When some one is buying something you are marketing them, they should not perceive  that you are the owner or producer. You should tell them clearly about your stand. You are a digital marketing person. You should be vocal about that you own or do not own the product or service. You will get profit or commission when the people will buy or generate lead for that product or service.

This upfront information should be kept in bold and clearly visible to customers. Such disclaimers should make your intent clear. Many digital marketers do make such declaration but will use hard to read fonts. This way it will be cheating and clearly your intent is understood.

Make sure you are not doing such wrong things else your earned money will be haram for you.

Not Providing Support To Your Customers

As a digital marketer you are the first bridge between customers and producers. Most of the digital marketers think that their job is finished once the product or service is digitally sold. For you may be job is done but your responsibility ethically starts now more towards the side of your customers. It should be your responsibility to make sure that product or service sold from your end should be delivered to the customer as well.

It’s your duty to take feedbacks from customer about their experience with the product or service. In the nut shell, your customer should have a channel to reach you for anything they want to share to you. If this channel is missing then may be you are taking your customers for granted and not addressing to their grievances . It will be haram to do such business and whole of your digital marketing process will be haram. 

Are You Working for Haram or Halal People

You may be independent Digital Marketing person or Digital Marketing Consultant for a company, it is equally important to understand who you are working for.

The product or services you are doing digital marketing of should be halal in first place but they people who manufacture or produce or provide such products or services should not be anti-islam.

Being anti-Islam is haram. Make sure you are affiliated to such partners who are not haram. Being neutral is OK but being anti-Islam will be treated as haram.

More Preference to Business Than Customers

There are two more parties involved other than you often when you are doing Digital Marketing. The producer or the service provider and customer. Whenever in your business of digital marketing you start giving more preference to your producers/providers side than to your customer side, this is start that you are moving towards the thin and dark region of haram. For you, your customers and their wellbeing should be your first priority than the business owner. If you will keep this mindset then your digital marketing is halal else haram.

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

Is making money online haram or halal

Making money online is just a facility to reach to people, make them your customers who may be located anywhere in the world. Word online is when your customer interact with your business model using internet service. Here many things are involved like internet, business(money) and people. Making money is halal as long as you abide by the rules of Sharia and follow a halal lifestyle. 

Is affiliate marketing halal or haram

When deciding if affiliate marketing is halal or not you need to be sure about the products and services you are dealing with. That product should be manufactured as per halal guidelines and good to have halal certificate. The product and service should not contain any haram things. Only those products you should market that don’t come under haram purview else it will be great sin as per Islam. Also you need to declare in bold that you are doing commission based business.

Is dropshipping halal or haram

Dropshipping like digital marketing. All the above things that can covered under digital marketing will apply to dropshipping business. Read the above article carefully to know what makes digital marketing and so dropshipping a halal or haram money making process.

Is using ChatGPT halal or haram

ChatGPT is modern technology using AI. But is chatGPT halal or haram? The Prophet Muhammad always emphasized on seeking knowledge, and if ChatGPT helps in this arena, it can be considered a halal tool.Your intent of the usage should be not interest based but for the benefit of society.

Is stock trading halal or haram

Stock trading is halal when you do it keeping rules and law mentioned under Sharia law.  Also be sure about the company’s business profile and revenue model whose stocks you are interested in. The companies interest to assets margins etc. play a great role in making stock trading halal or haram. The mindset of company’s management should not be anti-muslim. 

Read : Is Netflix Stocks Halal or Haram 

Is Amazon affiliate marketing halal or haram

Amazon affiliate marketing is halal and muslims around the globe can make money online using amazon affiliate marketing. Whenever you are doing affiliate marketing of any product or service listed on Amazon, make sure product and service is not haram.


So In this article we saw various points to help us concludeIs digital marketing halal or haram. We need to check all those things that can make this make money online business haram. At first place Digital Marketing is Halal. Only our negligence and intent can make digital marketing haram. Make sure being a true muslim, you do everything just right in the faith of Allah. Anytime you think you committed sin,  ask for pardon from Allah. Be a good Islam follower and adopt halal lifestyle.

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