hq dropshipping haram or halal

Is Dropshipping Halal or Haram 

Dropshipping is one of the viable business in the digital era. This business requires least technical knowledge but can fetch you good amount of money and so a better lifestyle. But being Muslim, what needed to be understood is that whatever life you have it should not be a sin as per Islam. Here comes the importance of evaluation of dropshipping as per Islam. Is Dropshipping Halal or Haram, you must know before you join the band wagon of make money online.

What is Dropshipping

Usually in any business there is a producer and a buyer. To facilitate more buyers for easy purchase, there can be middle man to shorten the distance between producer and buyer. This middle man is generally a retailer. Consider you buy a biscuit packet from a shop, now here you are buyer, the shopkeeper is retailer/middle man and there is producer or manufacturer of that biscuit.

In drop shipping the retailer does not have the products physically. If you ask the retailer to give you biscuit packet(or any product), he will connect with manufacturer directly for biscuit availability and will deliver/drop the biscuit(any product) directly to your address.

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Now the question can arise, why user can not directly ask the manufacturer to deliver the product. Yes this also happens and that is direct selling. But this happens rarely as it’s quite difficult for manufacturer to have direct customer relationship. This also adds to the product cost as it would require extra infrastructure and capital expenditure for marketing, advertisement, bringing traffic and promoting the product. This all task is deliberately picked up by middle man that is drop shipping retailer. This way everyone is at profit like buyer, middle man and manufacturer. This was idea about what is drop shipping but Is Dropshipping Halal or Haram, now let’s delve deeper into our main concern.

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Is Dropshipping Haram

No, but can be

At first place, Dropshipping is not haram as per Islam if you follow certain rules. However there is a big probability of drop shipping becoming haram if you even do a single or the smallest mistake. It quite important to understand the nitty gritty how to do drop shipping business without committing sin as per Islam. Being a muslim, you need to be very sure you are doing the business correct way.

Haram as you selling what you don’t own

In drop shipping you are selling something(product or services) that you are not owner of. If we consider this point, this is darn haram as per Islamic law. Doing this is not permissible as per Sharia law. You can not sell something you do not own. But to relax it, you can declare upfront about this to your buyer. If you declare clearly that you are not the manufacturer and the product is coming from other owner, this relax you from sin and make the business halal.

Also Read: What is Halal and Haram

Haram if you are misleading

In dropshipping, the buyer is under impression that it’s your product and so is at right price. Definitely if the product/service is purchased from a retailer/middle man, the prices with be MRP(Max. Retail Price). If the buyer purchase via direct selling the cost of product/service will be cheaper. However such direct selling are quite rare things also from the end of manufacturer. So you have to be more vocal that you are just a middle man who will get the commission out of this business execution. If you do so, you are doing business as per Halal laws.

Haram as the product is not right

If you sell a product/services or even if you promote something that is not Halal certified, it’s haram to do this as per Islamic rules. Make sure the products you are dropshipping as halal certified and do not fall in the haram set. If you are not sure, it would be advisable to ascertain this from the manufacturer. Such an ignorance will not be tolerated and will be sin as per Islamic laws.

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Is Dropshipping Halal or Haram can now be answered. If you take all these measures, do your research on the products and services being halal, informing clearly about your commission on the sale to the buyer, declares that you are retailer and not manufacturer of the product/service, then drop shipping is halal and not haram.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is online business haram or halal

If you do online business in the purview of Islamic laws, it’s halal to do online business and make profit. Make sure the products and services you selling to generate money should not be haram or prohibited as per Islam.

Is Netflix Stock Halal

Netflix serves digital content over the top (OTT). The digital content is shared for Interest. There is more content which comes in haram category as per Islamic law on Netflix as permitted by Sharia law. The business of Netflix and thus Stocks are more on the side of Haram than halal.

Read More : Is Netflix Stock Halal

Is amazon affiliate marketing halal or haram

If you do amazon affiliate marketing of products which are halal certified and you declare upfront on your website that you will get commission on every sale done, then amazon affiliate marketing is halal and not haram.

Worth Reading : Is Dating Haram or Halal

Is Shopify business haram or halal

Shopify business is also a kind of dropshipping business. So read the above article to take into account all the aspects that can make shopify dropshipping haram or halal.

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