fashion designing halal or haram

Is fashion designing halal or haram in islam? Is fashion designing halal or haram in islam? In the world of fashion and products in the world, there is confusion and questions regarding fashion designing material in Islam. The fashion design industry is expanding rapidly, with new brands emerging every day.

The purpose of this article is to know whether fashion designing is halal or haram. To prove this we will consider the Islamic perspectives and principles that guide the Halal lifestyle.

Understanding the Islamic Perspective

Islam, with its long history of belief systems, raises questions about what should be eaten, what is halal and what is not. Most interpretations within the Islamic faith lean towards not considering fashion designing as permissible in most cases. But that said, this is not a closing statement.

Intention matters a lot. Designing items of clothing with the intention of following Halal guidelines and principles, such as creating a modest outfit such as a hijab or shayla, is considered acceptable i.e. Halal

Is fashion designing prohibited in Islam

Generally the concept of simplicity has been given originality in Islam. This extremely luxurious fashion designing has been declared haram by many Islamic scholars. The Prophet Mohammed’s statement, “Whoever imitates someone is one of them,” emphasizes the importance of adhering to Islamic values in fashion design.

Prominent Islamic preachers advocate a balanced approach. Fashion design, when done with respect for Islamic values, can be considered an art. However avoid transparent clothes and body hugging dresses.

When is fashion designing halal in Islam

Fashion design can be considered halal when it follows the principles of modesty and appropriate materials. Designing clothing that adheres to Islamic standards of modesty and promotes responsible practices such as sustainability and ethical labor can align with halal principles.

Fatwa against fashion designing

Over the years several fatwas or religious rulings have addressed fashion designing, many of which have declared the making and wearing of fashionable clothes that lead to ostentation as haram. Islamic principles were upheld and imitation of non-Islamic fashion trends was strongly discouraged.

Fatwas issued by Islamic scholars also address the permissibility of working in the fashion industry. These decisions take into account factors such as modesty, adherence to ethical values in specific roles within the fashion industry.

When is fashion designing prohibited in Islam

The main reason behind the haram business of fashion designing is the possibility of committing sin. In Islam, actions related to extravagance, shamelessness and pride are discouraged. Making clothing that promotes these behaviors or using tribal materials that are not permitted in Islamic teachings may be considered haram.

What kind of fashion clothes are haram in Islam

Islam does not permit wearing clothing that is too tight-fitting, overly ostentatious, extravagant, or made of prohibited materials such as silk and gold. Also, no haraam thing should be included in the production.

Is watching fashion show halal or haram

There is a lack of clear consensus among scholars on the permissibility of watching fashion shows in Islam. This depends on personal preference, some suggest exercising restraint and avoiding excessive busyness to avoid distracting from humility.

Traditional fashion shows, in which models walk the runway, are considered haram. Traditional fashion shows are considered haram due to their potential conflict with Quranic verses (Surat al-Nur), which emphasize modesty for women. Displaying clothing in a way that draws attention to a woman’s body shape goes against these principles.


Although there can be no definite answer as to whether fashion designing is haram in Islam or not, the emphasis is still on simplicity and restraint. Muslims are encouraged to ensure that their activities in day-to-day life are in line with Islamic teachings and Halal guidelines.

Islamic teachings, as highlighted in a hadith from Sahih Muslim (2128), emphasize the importance of maintaining humility and staying away from immoral things. It emphasizes the need for Islamic scholars to dress and act in accordance with Islamic values and teachings.

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