Is KFC Halal or Haram

Is KFC Halal or Haram? Is it permissible for a Muslim to eat the mutton or chicken in a western country from KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) ?  Does KFC slaughter the animals with halal guidelines? Muslims living in the Western Country whether it be USA, Canada, UK or the European countries normally have an argument some saying KFC serves Halal Meat and chickens while some say it’s haram. There are different opinions. 

Allah says in the Quran in Surah Al-Maidah – Chapter number 5, Verse number 5 : “ Lawful for you are all food which are pure and halal And the food of those given the Scripture is lawful for you, and your food is lawful for them”.  So based on this verse of the Quran, the opinion is that the food is permissible, that is halal,  and they also say that once the prophet peace be upon him.

Once some of the Sabas came to the prophet and said that we don’t know whether this meat given by the Ahl Al-Kitab, the name of Allah is taken or not whether it’s pure or not.  So the prophet said have Bismillah and have it.  Say Bismillah and have it.

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Based on this, they say that you can have the food whether it is from McDonald’s, Burger King or KFC or any restaurants in the non-muslim country. Even if they are not Zabiha, you don’t have to worry.  Just say Bismillah and have it.

Allah has said at four places that dead animals, blood, pig meat and food on which the name of anyone other than Allah has been recited are Haram. To make the animal halal, it is necessary to recite Bismillah Allah Hu Akbar. Unless you recite this dua on an animal, that animal remains haram. 

Read: How is something Halal or Haram

This question consists of two parts.  The first part whether the meat that is served in Muslim countries. In Muslim countries,  vast majority of Muslims slaughterhouses supposed to abide by the Sharia law.  So it is halal and  and you do not have to verify or investigate . It has been slaughtered in this Muslim country according to the Sharia, if they did otherwise will not blameworthy. 

Also it’s important to understand the way they raise their cattle or chicken. Most of the chicken is procured from factories where animals barely live natural lives. Most of chickens are caged since they came out of the eggs until they are ready to be slaughtered.  The whole process is really miserable.

So as a health advice you should really not be eating from this kind of food or feed your children this kind of food.

Is KFC Halal? Muslims around the globe want to know. KFC is available in many Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, the UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia and others. KFC is indeed fully halal in those countries. But unfortunately in Western Countries like the US, Canada, and the UK it is a mixed story.

KFC is not 100% halal.

There are only a few franchise locations in the US and Canada that are partially halal. And the only halal item on the menu for these locations is the fried chicken — the pieces or the buckets. This is because the franchises can get their whole chickens locally, and some of them choose to get the chicken from a halal source.

However, the other meat items such as the chicken sandwiches and chicken tenders come from the central KFC distribution, and those are not halal. Here are lists of some of the locations reported to be partially halal: Some locations in New York, several in Canada and a handful of locations in Texas.

So what’s the halal verdict? KFC is only partially halal in a few locations in North America. However, those of you are in the UK are in luck!

There are just over 900 KFC restaurants in the UK, out of which 130 of them are fully certified halal.

Obviously in Muslim Countries, KFC is fully halal. Remember you should always verify the halal status with the restaurant directly just to be sure because things change all the time!

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