social media halal or haram

Is Social Media Halal or Haram

Social media is a medium to stay connected with society online primarily. But is it haram to stay connected with people, is social media halal or haram. Look, social media is a way to express your feelings, to share your work and to make money online as well for few of people. All these things and so using social media as well can be haram if you doing something that is haram as per Islamic laws. At first place, Social media is not haram. Be responsible how you use social media because that makes social media halal or haram. But can social media itself be haram, if yes then that social media is certainly haram to use under Islamic Law purview.

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What All Social Media We Use

Social media is not just using Instagram, Tik Tok, WhatsApp, Youtube, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter(now X) etc. but also takes blogging and print media that covers society into account. These are some common social media we are using these days and have become like indispensable to us. They help us connect with family, friends, fans and followers. Yes 4 Fs we just wrote and they help us to build our relationships. Life is all about relationships but to do it right way is halal lifestyle. No sin or wrongdoing is tolerable if it comes in the purview of Haram. Being an Islamic follower use these social media and accounts judiciously without committing what is prohibited to attract punishment from Allah.

What Makes Social Media Halal

Intent of Using Social Media

Your intent of using social media should not be haram. It should be for win-win purpose. Some would use social media to deceive others. Such pretentious acts are haram and be ready to receive punishment from Allah for this. Using social media to gain profit by hurting or giving loss to other people in any way will be haram.

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Obscene and Nudity

If you access social media full of nudity and obscenity, its haram as per Islam. Pornography in the form of video, audio, photos or any such work will be a sin and so haram. Same way if you are sharing your images, videos and audio that has nudity, this is also considered haram. For a muslim, it’s your duty to avoid such acts and live a pious life that is halal oriented. If you doing all these wrong activities, then you are using social media wrong way and committing haram act.

Promoting Anti-Islamic Owners

If you are finding yourself right on the above 2 points, still there is one point to analyse if Social Media Haram or Halal. If you know that the owner of the social media company is anti-Islamic and does speak bad about muslims, then if you use such companies social media, it will be haram. As you are promoting a business that itself may not be haram but the owner who is getting the benefit is anti of Islam.

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Is it haram to use TikTok

TikTok is primarily a short video sharing platform. If you share something like vulgar dance, showing body, or anything with wrong intent, it will be treated as haram. TikTok is halal when you use it for sharing information as per halal lifestyle.

Is creating Youtube videos haram

If you are a YouTuber, it’s like any other social media halal. The way you consume content or create content, influence people about halal or haram things, can make Youtube haram or halal for you personally.

Is using social media for dating and relationship haram

Its a broad topic to explore. In nutshell yes its haram. Read the elaborated article here.

Can muslims share pictures on Facebook.

Sharing images and pictures or even video on Facebook is not haram. But every piece of personal thing you share should have a layer of security as per Islamic-law. If you are sharing images or videos then you should not spread nudity else it will be treated as haram.

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So these were some points and in nutshell if we answer “Is Social Media Haram or Halal” then its “Halal” at first place. Only people who use it or own it make it haram or halal. Use judiciously and abide by halal lifestyle.

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