make money online halal or haram

Is Make Money Online Halal or Haram

Make money online Halal or Haram as per Islam being a wide topic will not be easy to answer upfront. Muslims should be confident first that make money online should be halal before they make it a choice.

Make money online is a broad class that leads to many ways to generate money at the comfort of your home or place of your choice just with the help of internet connection and a laptop or computer or mobile.

The topic is wide so we will write about all the possible means to make money online and where and how muslims across the globe should be pro-active not to indulge in haram source of generating money online.

Not all means of “make money online” are haram or forbidden in Islam. Do take care of process and ethics before selecting your way of making money online. Let us check one by one prominent ways to make money online.

Is Affiliate Marketing Halal or Haram

Is affiliate marketing halal or haram. Affiliate marketing is promotions of  products or services online and earning commissions for successful sales.

Misguided affiliate marketing can mislead consumers, promoting low-quality or haram products harms consumer well-being, health and financial status. Mere interest based affiliate marketing will be treated as haram and not halal.

Read : Complete article on whether affiliate marketing is halal or haram

Make Money Online by Data Entry or Typing

Is Data Entry Jobs Halal or Haram? Typing jobs like medical transcription and data entry are generally considered halal (permissible) in Islam.

Such make money online methods go haram when you charge unfair compensation, aid in illegal or unethical content writing.

Changing the translation for harming some ones religious sentiments would be haram. You should type what is ordered and should say NO if you see anything haram to mankind, society and environment.

Make sure that content being typed adheres to Islamic teachings and rules and does not involve promoting unlawful things.

Make Money Online by Selling eBook

Creating and selling eBooks online halal or haram. Such  eBooks selling business online is generally permissible i.e. halal in Islam, as long as the content is lawful, beneficial, and does not promote any haram(prohibited) activities or thoughts.

Avoiding plagiarism that is stealing someone else digital intellectual property is must. Maintaining ethical writing practices and ensuring the content aligns with people’s benefit is must.

Publishing inappropriate content may offend cultural and societal values. Your ebook should be your piece of work and you should own it. The ebook should be sold at reasonable price and avoid interest based motives.

Online Editing Job Halal or Haram

Make Money Online by Editing Job is providing online editing services to others. This include video and image editing for content refinements, special effects and refinements.

This business is halal at first place, as long as the content being edited does not pose threat to Islamic principles. You should do your work with full customer satisfaction and charge reasonably for actual time spent.

Make long term partnership with clients who are like-minded and tested over period to provide content editing work that aligns with halal lifestyle.

Stocks and Cryptocurrency Halal or Haram

Make Money Online by Stocks and Cryptocurrency is Halal or Haram? This business is making money online through stock trading, NFTs, digital assets and cryptocurrency like bitcoin sale and purchase.

This is based more on market speculation and luck. This is pure interest business and lean more towards haram side.

This business lead to economic inequalities, with some individuals benefiting disproportionately from market fluctuations while other losing.

Also crypto mining involves heavy energy resources that can put threat to environment. This point is enough to make it haram. Same goes with stock trading as its too risky. Too much stress is not good for health. Choose this business with caution.

Digital Marketing Halal or Haram

Make Money Online using Digital Marketing is halal or haram ?

Digital marketing is generally halal, as long as the products or services being marketed comes under halal category and the marketing practices abide by Islamic teachings.

Do check the product and services for their halal certifications before promoting them online. Products should not contain any haram ingredients like pork, liquor etc. The upfront declaration to customers is required telling them you are digital marketing personal earning commission on sale or lead generated.

Read : Is Digital Marketing Halal or Haram

Make Money Online From Tuitions

Is Online Tutoring Business Halal or Haram ? Education is highly encouraged in Islam. Online tuition business can range from academic subjects to professional skills. It enable individuals to monetize their skills by conducting online training classes.

This is halal business provided you are honest and your intent is more towards societal improvement instead of gathering wealth. Keep your rates reasonable for that matter.

This business has very less ways to keep track of tutors’ credibility so its more of moral responsibility. Online tuitions can impact society in good and wrong way if not done with good motive.

Is Dropshipping Halal or Haram

Make Money Online by Dropshipping is halal in first place. Dropshipping is an e-commerce business where sellers don’t with deal products physically. Suppliers directly ship items to customers and give commission to dropshipping professional.

Nothing seems wrong here but there could be cases when things go haram. As most of products remains physically unavailable to seller, their authenticity can be made. If any wrong thing containing haram things reaches customer then it will be sin on your part. Make sure the product you promote are not haram. We have complete article on “Is Dropshipping Halal or Haram“. Do check it to know more in detail.

Is Blogging Halal or Haram

Make Money Online by Blogging is halal or haram. Blogging is content writing about any topic and publishing on your blog that is website. When you do blogging you are publisher. The advertiser publish their advertisement on your blog. This way you earn money from advertisements. Other medium to earn money from blogs could be affiliate marketing link on blog, sponsored post and selling products.

Ideally blogging is halal but you need to avoid mistakes like publishing any wrong information, manipulating content for affiliate marketing, writing unreliable content and using click baits. Bringing invalid traffic. This will be cheating with advertiser. All these activities make blogging haram.

Make Money Online as a Software Engineer

Earning money online as a software engineer like app developer, web developer and providing SEO services etc is very legit and halal business.

The business go haram when you cheat. Some software engineer being on a company’s pay-roll give more emphasis to their freelancing career thereby reducing the productivity of the parent employer. This is haram as this is cheating.

If you are part of software or app that deals into gambling, loan-trap then such business will be haram.

Make sure you are working with good people and your work is for the benefit of the society and environment.

Make Money Online from Social Media

Make Money Online from YouTube Videos

Is Being Youtube Creator Halal or Haram. Youtube content creation business is halal if you do it ethically. The content you post on youtube should not be promoting gambling, liqour use or eating pork. If you create content helpful for mankind and environment then youtube creator business is halal else haram.

Is facebook halal or haram : Same goes with popular social media like facebook etc.

Make Money Online from Instagram

Is Instagram halal or haram?  Like Facebook and Youtube, Instagram is another popular social media for short engaging videos. Make sure your content should not promote anything haram. If you affiliate marketing or promotion of any company, do study and use the product before recommending it to your followers.

Read : Is Social Media Halal or Haram

Make Money Online Using AI

Is AI halal or Haram?

Artificial intelligence (AI)  has new ways like using chatGPT for content creation and for writing softwares (Is ChatGPT Halal or Haram). AI is still developing and not as perfect and creative as humans. Mostly AI is used for shortening and making task easy like writing article on a topic, writing a piece of code using chatGPT.

Apart from chatGPT, AI is also in use to create images like using Mid Journey and other AI Tools. AI can be used to create deepfake images, videos and audios. Machine Learning and AI can be used to clone someone’s voice. These all can be done with AI and definitely all negative use cases can not be denied at first sight of using AI that will make AI as haram.

AI use is halal if you use it as a helper tool. When someone pays you for your intellectual property, you should not copy paste as is from AI. Add your brain to the AI Content as your client want a human to work for him/her. This will be cheating and thus haram with your client if you overuse AI without adding human flavour and creatives.

Likewise, some people are using deepfake for ruining someone’s image in the society by making obscene deepfake. This is example how AI can be haram.

So using AI is not halal if you using it judiciously and also making a good effort to edit the content to make it unique and plagiarism free.

So these were some of methods to Make Money Online and We saw where Make money online is halal or haram. Thanks for reading.

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