halal certification

What is Halal Certification

Halal means permitted or lawful in arabic. Meat that is halal like beef, mutton, chicken and seafood needs to be prepared as per Islamic law.
That is animals are slaughtered by a deep cut across their throat and all the blood is drained out. This is because, it is forbidden in Islam for muslims to consume blood.

Read : What is halal and haram

Before the animal is slaughtered, muslims chant “Bismillah Allah” which means Allah is great. This method of slaughter is called the halal cut.

Incidentally jews also follow a similar method of animal slaughter. But halal certification for food is not just about the method of slaughter. It is a guarantee that the food is unadulterated and does not contain
anything that is considered impure in Islam.

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You may have noticed that many products like cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, toiletries and health products sometimes come with a halal certification.

A halal certification means these products do not contain a product or a by-product of an animal that is considered haram that is unlawful. Pigs, dogs, donkeys, birds like eagles and vultures are considered haram.

So a Nail Polish that is halal certified means that it doesn’t contain pig fat, is safe and is non-toxic.

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So who gives this halal certification?

In arab countries it’s a magistrate that provides a halal certification but in many countries, there are no legal authority for this. It is done by a few religious groups or private bodies that comprise of Imams or muslim clerics.

So a company in those countries will have to go to one of these private bodies to get a halal certification, which by the way, is entirely voluntary.

Now many companies that export products also get a halal certification but they need to do so from an internationally accepted certifier. Halal certification is needed for countries with a significant muslim population.

The market for halal products is growing even in countries like brazil, New Zealand and Australia.

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Halal certification is also not immune to fraud. There have been several instances where the certification has been given without proper procedure.

Halal certification basically assures consumers that the food ingredients and processes involved in making them strictly follow Sharia guidelines. There are many concerns about how to ensure credible Halal certificate.

Products bearing the Halal certification mark are frequently identified by the Halal symbol in Arabic or in English or in any language the symbols could come in various designs and shapes as well.

So what is the process of getting Halal certification this is an important question .
Halal certification procurement process starts with the compilation of product information and supporting materials. including your ingredients list, apply for Halal certification with any Halal certification body and pay the required fee.

Then wait for a call from the inspector, the Halal Auditors. Halal Auditors will arrange to visit your facilities and inspect your process from procurement of raw material to manufacturing and storage.

After the evaluation they will prepare a report that includes recommendations or suggestions for your facilities and operations. The Halal certification panel will review your report and if satisfied, a contract will be created. The qualifying products will receive a Halal certification after the agreement is signed.
The Halal Certified symbol can be applied on the packaging of the qualifying products and services only.

Halal certification plays a significant role in promoting the global Halal industry. Having a basic understanding of how products and services are certified Halal helps potential and existing players in the manufacturing industry to grow their business to Muslim consumers around the world.

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