Youtube halal or haram

Youtube earning halal or haram? This is a very very complicated question. There are many methods to make money through YouTube.  You can use YouTube as a business where you make content. You can enroll for YPP that is Youtube Partner Programme once you have 1000 Subscribers and 4000 Hours watch time on your channel. Thereafter you can monetise your content that is allow Youtube to run advertisements on your content and in return you get revenue. So this is basic however there are multiple way to earn from Youtube as platform like Super Thanks, Super Chat, Sponsorships, Affiliate Marketing links etc.

There’s a lot of different ways that you can make money through YouTube.

In general YouTube is not Haram (Youtube halal or haram)tool to use and earn money. Money is being made from Youtube is permissible that is halal as long as you are making sure from your end that you are creating halal content. If you want to make money from YouTube, make sure that the content that you’re creating is permissible also you’re not going against any guidelines as per Islamic teaching.

Ad revenue is also an important discussion. As your channel being the medium of ads being showed, you have to do everything in your control to prevent any Haram ads being shown through your platform. For example you’ll see sometimes, when you’re watching a YouTube video, an ad will come up where something about the ad is haram, this can be music, it can be infographics etc., something of immorality. Those ads could also pop up on your Channel but you can prevent that to a certain extent.

If you’ve done everything you can and then there’s ads coming up it shouldn’t be a problem. You should do everything in your power to make sure that the ads that are being shown are not impermissible that haram.

Let’s talk about sponsorships. This is pretty straightforward. If your content gets a sponsorship, make sure whichever thing you’re promoting on your channel is permissible that is halal from every point of view.

Technically if something coming from your behalf, so you be cautious about these things.  You should know you’re not promoting something that’s impermissible or haram (Youtube haram or halal).

Sometimes you can do affiliate marketing where you can put affiliate links. It’s pretty much simple way to earn money. Make sure whatever you’re promoting is permissible that is halal. So if the affiliate links are leading to something that’s not permissible it will be sin and haram.

Make sure the organization that you’re working with is also halal organization. There are lot of organizations that promote immorality and as a true Muslim you should be not working with such organisations. Make sure that that the providers or the the businesses that you’re working with are permissible and then the actual product and service that you’re doing or promoting is also permissible that is halal.

Youtube earning halal or haram ? So Youtube revenue is purely halal and you should not commit any mistake from your side to make this make money online business impermissible that is haram.

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